All images are copyright of the photographers and are not to be shared or re-posted without expressed written consent.

Feb 6, 2010

My First Ever Blog!

Wow, I'm blogging now! Okay, just a little heads up of what you should expect to read. I'm attempting to document my modeling experiences on a regular, on-going basis. And I'm talking DETAILS! From inspirations I come across, conversations with other models or photographers, and anything under the sun that would encourage or motivate other male models to advance their passions into a rewarding passion and/or career. I've titled my blog, "Hewolf" after the name of my professional portofolio that contains my modeling work. I hope you enjoy what I post and let me know if you have any suggestions, questions, or comments. I'm about to hit the 'publish post' button now...


  1. Okay my first suggestion. Post the "Hewolf" image that goes with the name. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
