The long-awaited "Masquerade" compilation has finally been released and I could not be any happier! Conceptually, these images are intended to capture the "masking" of online hookups - through fake profiles and misguided information, men create these false/enhanced characters. You're presented with just a "mask," not knowing who the other person really is. The handcuffs act as a metaphor, symbolizing the repressed, guilty urges that are at times easier to fulfill through anonymous sex.
"Masquerade" is proving quite popular (and controversial) with critics as well. The series was recently published on Homotography, a fashion and photography website that showcases artistic work with a homo-erotic sensibility. It has a large fan following on Facebook, with over 5k members and continues pushing the boundaries of creative artistry.

It's a darker and more complex series than anything I've attempted before, but underneath lies a subtle innocence that lured me to this project. I was fortunate to work with professionals like Jack Kirven and the multi-faceted photographer of Y.M.I.J. It's because of their indulgence with the shoot's concept that I was able to embody my character and become someone different, challenging my modeling skills and taking it to the next level.

Very hot and sexy!!!